Essay plan tutorial: 18/12/2017

Introduction – need a lot more clarity here. Put your essay question above the intro and make sure you are answering the question and setting out an argument. What do you plan to investigate in terms of masculinity in Hollywood films? I would focus on the effect these representations have on a male audience. 250 words.
Section 1 – historical texts / historical context. Good start – that works with the question, it will provide context for the debate. You can use material from the docudrama but I’d also use a Hollywood action film too (otherwise it’ll be too different to Pain and Gain). One of Arnie’s films from the 80s? Get plenty of textual analysis in here too. 450 words.
Section 2 – Primary text: Pain and Gain. Textual analysis. Media key concepts etc. Quotes/reviews etc. That quote looks great but you’ll need to properly contextualise it. I would focus here on how much things have changed (if at all) in Hollywood films over the last 40 years. 500 words.
Section 3 – Research – masculinity as a cultural construct. This sounds absolutely perfect for your essay – brilliant. You could also bring in Judith Butler and her work on gender as constructed by society. You’ll need additional theories for this section too. Why not add general media effects theories – two-step flow (The Rock etc.), Cultivation theory etc. 500 words? I wonder if 800 words will be too long here.
Section 4 – Research – hegemonic masculinity. This looks great but work out how it fits with your section above. It may simply continue nicely from the points above. Theories, quotes etc. 400 words.
Section 5 – How this debate will look in future. You’ve got this as section 5&6 but I’d blend it together – you’ll want to use a few paragraphs here regardless. Look at recent changes to gender roles in Hollywood films – you could mention Hunger Games or Wonder Woman here for example. How does the internet change this debate? Is pressure on men coming from social media rather than traditional media? Or are men using social media to offer different representations of masculinity? 500 words.
Conclusion – sum up your argument, snappy ending please! 150 words.

Next steps…
·         Update/finish your plan based on this tutorial. You don’t need to stick to the above by any means but hopefully it has at least clarified your thinking and provided a potential structure that will be easy to follow.
·         Write your opening paragraph and email it to me (this is today’s task) so I can give you some feedback before you start the rest of the draft.

·         This essay has great potential – the key is making sure there is a strong thread running through it and you stay focused on the question. Your sections in the middle on research are the crucial bit – how you organise it, what theories you focus on and making sure it always links back to the question. 


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